Stellenbosch Municipality recently launched a new taxi rank in Klapmuts to help address the needs of the local community.
This was according to Stuart Grobbelaar, spokesperson for Stellenbosch Municipality. The Klapmuts taxi rank was officially opened by Stellenbosch Mayor Gesie van Deventer, joined by the leaders and representatives of the Franschhoek Taxi Association (FTA) and the Congress for Democratic Taxi Associations, on 25 August, according to a municipality media release.

A new taxi rank in Klapmuts, funded by Stellenbosch Municipality, was officially launched on 25 August. The taxi rank was launched by Stellenbosch Mayor Gesie van Deventer (left), joined by Isak Ockhuis and Mr Mate from the Franschhoek Taxi Association (middle), and Emily Fredericks, the ward councillor in Klapmuts (right). PHOTO: Lara van Zyl
“I’m so happy that we could celebrate this today. It is amazing to have such a fantastic transport place,” said Van Deventer at the launch.
The need for a taxi rank
The municipality budgeted R20 million for the new taxi rank, according to the municipality’s media release. This was after the taxi rank was identified as a need by the Klapmuts community through the Integrated Development Planning (IDP) Public Participation process, said Grobbelaar in email correspondence with MatieMedia.
“The Klapmuts taxi rank has long been a need of the community,” said Grobbelaar. “There was an informal rank [in Klapmuts] with no ablution facilities, offices, dedicated drop-off zones or roofing. Commuters had to stand in the rain or harsh sun to wait for taxis. This is now a thing of the past.”
The planning for the new taxi rank began in 2015, but the construction of the building only took off in 2018, with a few delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns, according to Stuart Grobbelaar, spokesperson for Stellenbosch Municipality. The new facility includes undercover holding and loading areas for taxis, waiting areas for commuters, administrative buildings, meeting rooms, ablution facilities and facilities for a caretaker, according to Grobbelaar. PHOTO: Lara van Zyl
The municipality is also building a new taxi rank in Franschhoek, and upgrading the one in Kayamandi, according to Van Deventer.
The FTA has just over 50 members that currently provide taxi services in the Stellenbosch area, including Klapmuts, according to Grobbelaar.
“[The taxi rank] means a lot to us because now our people can stand under the roof – they don’t have to sit in the rain anymore, or in the sun. So it’s a big privilege for us to have that rank,” said Isak Ockhuis, chairman of the FTA.
However, some community members feel that the budget used for the taxi rank could have been spent on more pressing matters, according to Courtney du Preez, a Klapmuts resident.
“We are indeed grateful for the new taxi rank…[but] building a taxi rank in a rural community like ours is in all honesty seeking unnecessary trouble. With taxi violence and crime in our little community already so high, how safe is that taxi rank going to be?” said Du Preez.
VIDEO: Lara van Zyl for MatieMedia