Stellenbosch Academy boasts only winner from Africa at Adobe Awards

Alena Gelen (28), from the Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography (SADP), was the only student from the continent to become a finalist and to win first prize in a category at the Adobe Design Achievement Awards (ADAA).

Her project titled “Afro Indy Dandy” came first in the fine Art Photography Category.

Gelen is the first student from the SADP to win an Adobe Award.

WATCH: Stellenbosch Academy student wins first prize in prestigious awards. VIDEO: Kelly-Jane Turner

She describes “Afro Indy Dandy” and her inspiration for this project as “a creative collaboration with fashion designer Hunter Blue telling the story about romantic love and gentle masculinity. Gender fluid beings that express themselves as wearable art,  allowing their emotions to flow like music through their dress. It draws inspiration from poetry, flowers, and the joining of countries via textiles, African and Indian fabrics.”

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Gallery: Alena Gelen’s winning “Afro Indy Dandy” project in the Fine Art Photography Category 2018.

Gelen’s project showcases designer Hunter Blue’s vibrant dandy designs.

“It is important for people to know that Afro-dandyism is a culture, it’s not just about the suits you wear,” says Oratile Pitjo, a local Stellenbosch Afro-dandy.

With 14 categories, the ADAA is an international competition for creative students of all disciplines.

After almost six months of submission deadlines and various judging phases, the winners were announced in mid-August.

Mark Antonello, head of photography from SADP was almost as excited as Gelen about her ADAA win.

Alena is our first winner for the Adobe Design Achievement Awards which is fabulous! What was exceptional with Alena, was her dedication to detail and lighting,” says Antonello.

“Her images are thought through with meticulous detail. Her high technical ability and great personal manner makes all her sitters feel comfortable, and allows them and her photographic team to dedicate themselves to her vision. This is what makes her stand out.”

According to Antonello, the 2018 Adobe Design Achievement Awards has been a record-breaking competition with over 8,000 student submissions received from 94 countries around the world.

There were a total of 2,454 semi-finalists chosen to move forward to the final judging round. Stellenbosch Academy had 21 nominations as semi-finalists out of 56 from South Africa.

Participants who entered into the competition were required to have used Adobe tools in creating or designing of their submissions.

Adobe Infographic

 Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography made up a considerable percentage of the total South African nominations. INFOGRAPHIC: Lauren Dold

Aside from trophies, the winners in each category won yearly Adobe Creative Cloud memberships, mentorship opportunities and received global recognition for their work.

The best creative achievers are expected to be invited to the Adobe MAX 2018 Conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada, in October this year.

-Kelly-Jane Turner and Lauren Dold