The digital stage The face of theatre has changed over the past year and a half, as Covid-19-related regulations continue to limit...
SU student theatre production to be broadcast on TV A Stellenbosch University (SU) student theatre production will be broadcast on national television later this year as part of...
Woordfees prepares for television debut The productions for the Toyota Stellenbosch University (SU) Woordfees 2021 are currently being filmed, with the intention of airing...
Premiére Atelier: Virtuele teaterfees maak buiging Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se dramadepartement se jaarlikse Premiére-teaterfees sal vanjaar vir die eerste keer virtueel plaasvind. Dít is...
Stellenbosch dalk eersdaags Unesco-wêrelderfenisdorp van letterkunde Sou Stellenbosch as ’n Afrikaanse dorp van letterkunde verklaar word, sal dit tot die voordeel van die dorp, asook...
Arts community holds breath over format of this year’s Woordfees The possibility of a third wave of Covid-19 in South Africa has added to the uncertainty surrounding the format...
Opwipvertonings in onkonvensionele ruimtes wag vir Stellenbosch Die Toyota US Woordfees-program (Woordfees) bied vanjaar, vanaf 6 tot 11 April, ʼn nuwe toevoeging tot die program aan...
Virtuele Woordtrofees – ’n mosie van vertroue in die toekoms van die kunste Die wenners van die jaarlikse Woordtrofees-toekenningsaand is gisteraand omstreeks 18:00 vir die eerste keer virtueel aangekondig, via die Woordfees...
Stroop: a rhino poaching film’s relevance amidst a global pandemic The conservation documentary, Stroop: Journey into the Rhino Horn War, which screened during the recent Toyota US Woordfees, highlights...
Alles is nie okay nie – toneelstuk daag norms uit Die produksie, Hoe change hulle, wat vanjaar tydens die Toyota US Woordfees 2020 by Hoërskool Cloetesville opgevoer is, wil...