Review: EMERGER takes SA alt-pop to a whole new level with debut album – Bloom The South African alt-pop duo EMERGER, comprised of vocalist and pianist Emma de Goede and multi-instrumentalist and composer Gerrit...
Ikeys claim narrow victory over Maties in Intervarsity surf competition The intervarsity surf competition between Stellenbosch University (SU) and the University of Cape Town (UCT) took place this last...
Alwyn Uys: ‘Sport het my lewe gered’ Toe Alwyn Uys (28), voormalige rugbyspeler aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch se eerste rugbyspan, daardie nag in sy kar klim...
Maties Netbal ywer om tuis-halfeindstryd te haal Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se netbalspan (Maties) sal Maandag 24 September met hul teenstaanders van die Nelson Mandela Universiteit...
Skatepark to roll into Cloetesville! An amount of R750 000 was set aside for the building of a skatepark in the Stellenbosch CBD (Central...
Maties Hockey just one win away from securing League title Maties men’s hockey coach, Ashlin Freddy says his team is fully aware of the importance of the final two...
Four inspiring women in the figure skating world It wasn’t until iconic movie I, Tonya was released that many viewers knew much about the ice-skating world. The...
Will the Lions become the Maties of Super Rugby? Tomorrow morning will see the Lions take on the Crusaders in what will be their third consecutive final in...
8th Man Restaurant en Rugbymuseum: Meer as net ’n kroeg vir Welgevonden-inwoners Op ’n koue wintersoggend staan ’n klein restaurantjie naby Welgevonden-landgoed se deure reeds van vroeg af oop om rugby-aanhangers...