Homeless man dies on Bird Street A homeless man is suspected to have died of an asthma attack in front of the Pizza Hut and...
Local fashion brand hopes to cultivate a safe space for women Kimiko is a fashion-focused business that offers custom fashion and design services. PHOTO: Supplied/Kim Mockey A new fashion-focused business...
Venstervlieë binnekort op die spyskaart danksy Stellenbosse beginbesigheid ’n Stellenbosse beginbesigheid begin in November om ’n suiwer proteïen-poeier vir menslike gebruik op kommersiële skaal te vervaardig –...
Signing (in) online A sign language course, designed by the Disability Unit (DU) at Stellenbosch University (SU), is aiming to give a...
Students, soundbites and Stellenbosch: Air It podcast returns The local podcast, Air It, is launching its second series of podcasts that is aimed at bringing awareness for...
Portugal best served in Stellenbosch Vadas’ freshly baked pasteis de nata’s. PHOTO: Instagram/@vadas_smokehouse A local chef will open South Africa’s first dedicated pasteis de...
SU study aims to reduce Covid-19 infections Stellenbosch University (SU) has launched a study to develop a smartphone app that will determine if a cough caused...
Student board to unite youth in Stellenbosch A group of head prefects from seven local high schools in Stellenbosch have launched a student board, aimed at...
Stellenbosch street market here for the long mile The new Sunday market that launched its first event on the corner of Dorp Street and Mark Street on...
SU LaunchLab to open tech centre for students In an effort to bridge the gap between students and employers, a local start-up incubator is set to launch...