Local basketball players recruited to play for a Texan Team Two Paarl-based basketball players have been recruited to play for a basketball team in Texas in the United States...
Local initiative strives to reduce school dropout rates A local non-profit organisation (NPO) is running an at-home learning project for school children in vulnerable and rural communities....
Club manager of Maties Rugby resigns The club manager of Maties Rugby resigned at the end of March after reaching a settlement agreement with Stellenbosch...
Stellenbosch University graduate pursues legal and Olympic career A recent graduate of Stellenbosch University (SU) is training for the South African (SA) Olympic hockey team trials while...
SU researchers spot common dolphin calf with humpback dolphins Researchers from Stellenbosch University (SU) recently spotted a newborn common dolphin calf with a pod of endangered humpback dolphins...
Local writer collaborates with students to produce book A Kayamandi resident, Mxolisi James Majola, is working with 200 students from surrounding high schools to publish a book...
Konstruksie van twee nuwe skole in Klapmuts bevestig Die konstruksie van twee nuwe skole in Klapmuts is pas deur die Wes-Kaapse departement van onderwys (WKOD) bevestig. Debbie...
One thousand houses in Enkanini to receive electricity Over the next couple of months one thousand houses in Enkanini, an informal settlement in Kayamandi, Stellenbosch, will receive...
Student Parliament reopens as a body of accountability Stellenbosch University (SU) Student Parliament (SP) has announced its reopening for the 2021 academic year, which will take place...
Stellenbosch tuk-tuks offer a unique transport option A new tuk-tuk transport service aims to reduce the parking problem on Stellenbosch University’s (SU) main campus. This is...