Senior community care worker ‘loves to give’ Within Kayamandi, one of the many townships in the Cape Winelands, Nomajama Jikela devotes herself to uplifting her local...
Entrepreneurial hub in central Stellenbosch develops local businesses An entrepreneurial development hub aimed at creating a space in which local businesses can operate and grow was recently...
The master of the bronze menagerie There are many ways to tell a story. Some use the written or spoken word, while others rely on...
Ronelda Kamfer gesels oor ’n ander taal in ’n ‘accidental space’ Die skrywer Ronelda Kamfer het grootgeword in ’n kultuur van stories – stories wat spreek tot haar eie lewenservaringe,...
Toe fade it: Your unconventional neighbourhood barber Becoming a barber was initially not part of Toufique Behardien’s plan. But Toufique, also known as Toe fade it,...
For the love of leather In 2016, Madri Scherman, started making leather clutches as a hobby while she was studying at Stellenbosch University. It...
Local animal welfare society raises funds for outreach clinics A local animal welfare society is hoping to fund additional community outreach clinics over the next six months as...
Local initiative helps organisations that feed those in need A local charity organisation is currently donating jars of dried soup ingredients to assist several local organisations that help...
Local initiative helps local residents ‘treasure’ nature A local couple is inspiring people in Helderberg and Stellenbosch to embrace adventure by hosting treasure hunts in different...
Voorval op Rooiplein belig veiligheidsrisiko’s van oop kampus Een van die grootste uitdagings rondom die bestuur van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se oop kampus, is om veiligheidsmaatreëls...