Prominent Palestinian activist Muna El Kurd visits SU One of the best ways to show solidarity with those who are disempowered is to listen to and provide...
HealthCheck headache: SU student denied access to Campus Health A Stellenbosch University (SU) student claimed that Campus Health Services (CHS) recently failed to follow proper protocol when she...
Municipality zoning by-law causes concern among Stellenbosch locals A Stellenbosch Municipality zoning scheme by-law that is currently in effect is seen as “unfair” by some residents, as...
SU women’s football team scores first woman head coach The Stellenbosch University (SU) women’s football team has recently appointed their first woman head coach in the history of...
Zoem in op heuningbedrog Die byebedryf is gereeld in die nuus, onder meer weens dalende spesiegetalle. ’n Ander volhoubaarheidskwessie staar egter die plaaslike...
Doors in Metanoia marked with oil during alleged “prayer session” Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Equality Unit is currently discussing an incident believed to have happened at a co-ed student residence...
SU hackathon goes in a new direction Stellenbosch University’s (SU) annual hackathon recently took place for the third year since it started in 2019, but this...
Meet the students and alumni running in the local elections A number of Stellenbosch University (SU) students and recent alumni are running to be ward councillors for Stellenbosch Municipality...
Sekuriteitshekke aan Stellenbosch hospies geskenk ná tweede inbraak in een maand ’n Kliënt het onlangs twee sekuriteitshekke aan die Stellenbosch Hospice Shop geskenk om hul sekuriteit op te skerp ná...
Safety first: Neighbourhood watches receive new equipment Stellenbosch Municipality recently equipped local neighbourhood watches with resources to assist them in their efforts to create safer communities...