Illegal dumping troubles residents along Welgevonden Boulevard Illegal dumping has become an ongoing concern on Welgevonden Boulevard, Stellenbosch. Welgevonden Boulevard near Cloetesville is subject to weekly...
A dog a day keeps the stress away In an effort to relieve exam stress, Stellenbosch University (SU) brought dogs from the Animal Welfare Society Stellenbosch (AWSS)...
Helping those in need one shoe at a time A charity initiative recently donated more than 800 pairs of shoes to a local night shelter and safe house....
More than a statistic: Interactive artwork raises GBV awareness Over 100 people recently participated in an interactive artwork that was exhibited on the Stellenbosch University (SU) Rooiplein. The...
Stellenbosch University students provide warmth with a bedding drive The organisers of a recent initiative are lending a helping hand to a local homeless shelter through a food...
Stellenbossers vuisvoos oor buitensporige waterrekeninge Verskeie inwoners van Stellenbosch en ander omliggende gebiede het onlangs hulle ontsteltenis uitgespreek nadat hulle vir omtrent drie agtereenvolgende...
Stellenbossers traag om getel te word Daar is verlede week ’n dringende beroep op Stellenbossers en inwoners van die wyer Kaapse Wynland Distrik (KWD) gedoen...
Man seriously injured after hit by car An unidentified 20-year-old male recently sustained serious injuries after he was hit by a car on the corner of...
Local theatre production explores theme of inequality anew A play that recently debuted at the Adam Small Theatre Complex provides an opportunity for audience members to engage...
Stellenbosch represented at South African Blackball Championships Billiards players from the Stellenbosch area, including one Stellenbosch University (SU) student, are competing in the South African Blackball...