Maties ‘Maroontjies’ stumble at final hurdle after going 8 games unbeaten The Maties hockey team were beaten 5-0 last night in the Varsity Cup hockey final 2018 in Stellenbosch. Maties...
Desmond and the Tutus on South Africa, live shows and a new album They are quite optimistic about the state of the country, said indie rock band Desmond and the Tutus before...
Second annual Human Rights Youth Conference plans to follow up on participants projects The United Nations Association of South Africa (UNASA), in collaboration with Amnesty International Stellenbosch hosted their second annual Human...
Body-shaming: Are you guilty? MatieMedia has partnered up with Facebook for a campaign against hate speech. We would appreciate your participation in our...
Student-led Paw Parade funds fifteen sterilisations Over 150 walkers showed up at the Animal Welfare Society on Sunday to walk the dogs at this shelter....
Nuwe koshuis beplan vir US Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) beplan om teen 2020 ʼn nuwe 350-bed-woning by sy reeds uitgebreide lys woonplekke te voeg....
Derde Dalene Matthee film toor binnekort in Knysnabos Die bekende Afrikaanse roman Toorbos sal eersdaags sy omslag vir die silwerskerm verruil wanneer ’n rolprentspan, onder leiding van...
Fourie: ‘It was a big effort from the team this season’ “We were motivated to win the cup after two years of playing in the finals and I’m really...
Overtone Gatherings hosts first vintage market in Stellenbosch Overtone Gatherings hosted their first Afrikaburn Vintage Market at Stellenbosch’s Courtyard Café on 18 April. The night market that...
SU Legal Aid Clinic protects farm workers from evictions for free Stellenbosch University (SU) Legal Aid Clinic has saved many farm workers from being unlawfully evicted through the free legal...