Chalk Talk: Celebrating a shared heritage with Dr Sias Mostert The month of September saw the return of the e’Bosch Heritage Project/Erfenisprojek to Stellenbosch, an annual initiative which seeks...
VER[r]AS-middaguurgesprek: Charl-Johan Lingenfelder gesels oor ‘Kanarie’; musiekblyspel dalk op pad Charl-Johan Lingenfelder het op Donderdag 19 September by die departement Afrikaans en Nederlands ’n draai gemaak om oor die...
Lawyers of Johan Steyn, the man who drove over a security guard, to continue representation plans Lawyers of Johan Steyn, the man who drove over a security guard in Stellenbosch, will continue with the process...
App opens up prospects for future delivery of Stellenbosch housing The Stellenbosch Municipality recently launched a new housing app, called VOIS, which increases accessibility to the housing database for...
US Taalsentrum gedenk Wêreld Geletterheidsdag 2019 “Geniet hierdie boek in Afrikaans, Engels en isiXhosa, maar lees dit en dan moet jy dit vir iemand gee”....
SU swapping recyclable waste for reusable coffee mugs; a fair trade Stellenbosch University’s Environmental Sustainability Unit, part of the Facilities Management, is using reusable thermal mugs as an incentive for...
#StellieswhatareYoudoing Hundreds of Stellenbosch University (SU) students took to the streets after the university announced that there would be no...
SU students say management needs to take accountability On Thursday night, hundreds of students gathered on the Rooiplein at Stellenbosch University (SU) for what was supposed to...
AS IT HAPPENED | March against femicide at parliament Live updates from the march against femicide in front of parliament in Cape Town.
Meer as net nog ʼn Prof Mary-Anne Plaatjies van Huffel (59) is in November 1992 as die eerste vrouepredikant in die NG Kerkfamilie in Suid-Afrika...