Pretorianer kraai koning by Stellenbosse klavierkompetisie Tien pianiste van reg oor die land het onlangs meegeding in ’n plaaslike klavierkompetisie wat gedurende die eerste week...
Gale-force winds continue to threaten Stellenbosch infrastructure and residents Gale-force winds throughout the Western Cape have precipitated humanitarian concerns and pose a threat to infrastructure within Stellenbosch as...
SU introduces free beginner isiXhosa classes for staff At the beginning of 2024 Stellenbosch University (SU) introduced multiple free beginner isiXhosa classes for its staff members, according...
Stellenbosch residents must proactively safeguard vehicles, warns police The South African Police Service (SAPS) of Stellenbosch has warned residents that they must take proactive measures to safeguard...
SU students pioneer self-funded fashion event Two Stellenbosch University (SU) students recently hosted a self-funded fashion and art networking event at the SU Museum. This...
Current local cockroach infestation part of a bigger problem An increase in the local Stellenbosch cockroach population forms part of a surge in cockroach infestations in the Western...
SU students affected by accommodation crisis feel abandoned by SRC Students funded by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) have voiced concerns over the lack of communication from...
Completion of new SU residence delayed* Abnormally high rain during 2023, as well as changes requested to the layouts of a new residence currently under...
Wilgenhof estranged from SU community, says prim Wilgenhof, the Stellenbosch University (SU) men’s residence at the centre of a recent scandal following the discovery of two...
R40 000 se toerusting by plaaslike leersentrum gesteel Derduisende rande se toerusting is onlangs by ’n plaaslike leersentrum vir kinders met outisme, gesteel. Dit is volgens Lurika...