Woordfees: Depicting collective grief through dance and drama In the haunting aftermath of devastation and loss, Karatara unfolds as a poignant tribute to resilience and remembrance. Through...
Woordfees: Sounds of sunset provides fitting end to Woordfees 2023 Music fans were treated to a beautiful melody of classic and contemporary African songs as the sun set on...
Woordfees: Teaterstuk ‘Boesak’ ’n kreatiewe geskiedenisles Hoe bekend is jy met die anti-apartheidsaktivis Allan Aubrey Boesak? Die eenmanstuk Boesak vertel die verhaal en lewensreis van...
Woordfees: A new spin on the Stadsaal exhibition This year’s Stadsaal exhibition shifted its focus towards including more contemporary artworks in the catalogue. In previous years, the...
Woordfees: Diving deep into love’s turbulent waters Love is a finicky drug. In an intimate exploration of loss, love, and loneliness, i want to write you...
Woordfees: Goed wat wag om te gebeur –’n wipplank van emosies Dié teater is ’n spieël van die menslike siel. Dit is ’n ruimte waar ons die diepste en donkerste...
Woordfees: The limitations of Le Franc’s minimal dialogue Djibril Diop Mambéty’s Le Franc is a challenging cinematic experience due to its almost complete lack of dialogue. While...
Woordfees: Film charts theatre of apartheid resistance South African poet and playwright Adam Small was renowned for the sheer brilliance of the way his plays worked...
Woordfees: White victim mentality posing as satire? There are undeniable issues facing South Africa. Corruption plagues state-owned entities that have been run into the ground, the...
Woordfees: How ‘The Animal – What a word!’ Gives voice to the voiceless A review of The Animal – What a word! by Wilma Cruise In her exhibition The Animal – What...