An elderly couple in Idas Valley recently lost most of their belongings after a fire broke out in their house. The property was also damaged in the fire.
This is according to Stephanie Heneke, a community activist in Idas Valley.
Among the belongings damaged in the fire on 7 July are a bed, clothes, wedding and family photos, electric wiring, plumbing, and the asbestos roof, said Heneke.
The victims are a 70-year-old woman and 73-year-old man, said Heneke, adding that the couple had been traumatised by the incident. The man has since been admitted to hospital due to high blood pressure, according to Heneke.

The asbestos roof of an elderly couple’s house in Idas Valley was severely damaged following a house fire on the evening of 7 July, according to Stephanie Heneke, a community activist in Idas Valley. PHOTO: Tim Malinzi
Up in flames
The Stellenbosch fire department received a call alerting them to the fire on 7 July at 18:24, according to Stuart Grobbelaar, Stellenbosch Municipality spokesperson, via email correspondence with MatieMedia.
“Seven firefighters were dispatched and arrived at the scene at 18:31,” according to Grobbelaar. “Upon arrival, the fire was already out and one room was damaged by the fire.”
Heneke and Bridget Petersen, a relative of the couple, claimed that the kitchen, bathroom and most of the structure were also damaged in the fire.
The rubble has since been cleared from the house by the Stellenbosch disaster management unit, said Grobbelaar.
It is believed that the fire started after a candle fell over in the couple’s bedroom, said Petersen. The couple had lit candles during loadshedding on the evening of the fire, she explained.

A local elderly couple’s house caught fire on 7 July. It is believed that the fire was started after a candle lit in the couple’s bedroom fell over during loadshedding, according to Bridget Petersen, a relative of the couple. PHOTO: Tim Malinzi
‘A very difficult thing’
“They are very traumatised,” said Heneke. “They’ve lost everything. [The fire] was really bad.”
The couple’s son recently died, which further added to the trauma caused by the fire, explained Heneke.
Petersen requested that the couple’s identities remain anonymous.
The couple stayed with Petersen after the fire, but has since moved back into their home on 9 July after “cleaning up a bit”, according to Petersen.
The couple wishes to remain in their home and has been sleeping in their living room on beds that were donated to them following the fire, said Petersen.
The living room suffered less damage than the rest of the house, she said.
“This is a very difficult thing,” said Petersen. “It’s heartbreaking to see them like that. They’re elderly people.”

An elderly couple, who recently lost their son, has been left traumatised by a recent house fire, said Stephanie Heneke, a community activist and friend of the family. PHOTO: Tim Malinzi
A plea for help
The couple is unable to repair the damages, because they are unemployed and do not have insurance, according to Heneke.
The municipality is not able to get involved, because the building is a private residence and the responsibility therefore falls on the owner, said Grobbelaar.
Heneke and Petersen have turned to the Stellenbosch community for help, and have already received donations of clothes, beds and bedding
Their main concern is finding professionals who are willing to assist in repairing the roof, walls, windows, plumbing and electricity systems, according to Heneke and Petersen.

Members of the Stellenbosch community have donated clothes, beds and bedding to the elderly couple that recently suffered a house fire, according to Stephanie Heneke, a community activist in Idas Valley. PHOTO: Tim Malinzi
The windows, walls, bathroom, kitchen, plumbing and electric wiring of an Idas Valley residence were severely damaged following a house fire on 7 July. This is according to Stephanie Heneke, a community activist in Idas Valley. PHOTO: Tim Malinzi

An elderly couple in Idas Valley has been sleeping in their living room, which suffered less damage than the rest of the house, following a house fire on 7 July. This is according to Bridget Petersen, a relative of the elderly couple. PHOTO: Tim Malinzi

Stephanie Heneke (left) is a community activist in Idas Valley. Bridget Petersen (right) is a relative of the elderly couple who suffered a house fire on 7 July. Both women are seeking donations to help the victims of the fire. PHOTO: Tim Malinzi